Saturday, June 18, 2011

Project: Domino Calculator

So as a Sophomore in ECE I learned about adder circuits, circuits that perform addition between two numbers.  We learned the logical basis of what an adders circuit is and how it operates then went over how to build that logic with transistors.  In this case the transistor/electricity was the means of performing the logical operation, however I was always curious if it was possible to use that same logic and instead of using electricity use something else... say dominoes.

Stacking dominoes in a line and watch them fall doesn't really seem like it could produce any logical results, so they were the prefect subject.  The idea of taking a heap of relativity dull objects and arranging them in such a way to produce a logical output drew great parallels to how I imagine it was to be a pioneer of electronics.

I wanted a representation that transcends a logical true/false answer.  I am not building dominoes that only do logical operations, instead they use logical operations to produce a real-world result.  This is done in electronics by using logical circuity to perform boolean algebra.  I aim to replace the logical circuity of transistors with an arrangement of dominoes falling by gravity.  This a different paradigm that will require me to think not only logically, but also spatially.

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